Communities, Schools and Joint Decision Panel (JDP)
We can work with young people who may find themselves in conflict at school or in their community. If a young person has come into contact with police for an offence, in most circumstances this will be referred to the Children First youth diversion scheme. This involves a panel of professionals such as Restorative Gloucestershire, Victim Support, Youth Support Team, Child & Adult Mental Health Services, Social care and the Police. The panel discusses any knowledge they have about the young person and the challenges they may be facing which may have affected their behaviour. If a need for further support is identified, this can be arranged.
Resorative Intervention
The young person may also be offered the opportunity to engage in a restorative intervention (such as a meeting with the person they harmed) or an exchange of restorative letters, or “shuttle mediation” to try and repair the harm caused. This is offered as an alternative to more formal action such as a caution, which appears on someone’s record and can create difficulties in the future when looking for accommodation, work, education and in some cases, travel. This is still a voluntary process.