Victims and Survivors

If you have experienced any of the following thoughts – you may benefit from Restorative Justice:

I just want to know – why me?

Was I followed, or targeted?

I want them to know what I really feel.

I am really angry.

What did they get out of it?

What happened to all my possessions?

What would happen if I saw them again?

I don’t seem to be able to get over this.


Restorative Justice gives you the chance to ask the offender questions, tell them the impact their actions have had on you and for the offender to understand the harm they caused.  You can also ask the offender to take some action to try and repair some of the harm.

After telling their story, people often experience a reduction in anxiety.  Talking about a trauma brings about striking reductions in blood pressure and muscle tension.  You don’t have to meet face to face with them if you don’t want to, we can also offer an exchange of restorative letters, or shuttle mediation.  You can have as many preparation meetings as you or they might need. The process is voluntary for everyone.  It is important to know, RJ can only happen if the offender has accepted responsibility for the incident and if both you and the offender consider it safe to be involved.


85% of victims who take part in Restorative Justice are satisfied with the process

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