Purple bubble

Organisations, Companies and Charities we work with

Orange bubble

South West Probation Service

Their vision is to enable individuals to achieve sustainable change, lead a crime-free life, make a positive contribution and reparation to their local communities. They deliver the sentence of the court, reduce the likelihood of re-offending and protect the public.

Bromford Housing

Bromford Housing is a housing association – one of the biggest in the country, with 44,000 homes spread across central and south west England. Believing in providing warm, safe and secure homes. Bromford Housing believe that having a great place to call home is just the start and with the right relationships and someone who believes in your potential, almost anything is possible.

Carbery Housing

Carbrey Housing is in contract with Gloucestershire County Council securing accommodation and support services to young people aged 16-18 leaving the care of the local authority.

Upon referral, they source suitable accommodation and liaise with the young person and their social worker to create a tailored support package. Our aim is to ready young people we support for independent living post 18 years.

Change Grow Live

Change Grow Live has grown from a tiny volunteer-led Sussex-based organisation, to a nationwide charity that helps tens of thousands of people each day. Their mission is to help people change the direction of their lives, grow as individuals, and live life to its full potential.

The vision they are working towards is to develop, deliver and share a whole-person approach that changes society.

Cheltenham Borough Council

Cheltenham Borough Council works with the community providing support for counseling, meetings/decisions, elections and voting, financial information, consultancy, data protection, parish councils, and jobs.

Cheltenham Borough Homes

Cheltenham Borough Homes is a top performing Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) responsible for the management and maintenance of Cheltenham Borough Council’s (CBC) housing stock and housing and homeless service. They are a non-profit making limited company with a non-executive Board of Directors. CBH is also a Registered Provider as we have owned our own properties since 2011.

Cotswold District Council

Cotswold District Council supports the community via council tax and benefits, planning and building, business and licensing, housing, environment, communities and leisure, parking travel and vistiors advice.

Dementia Action Alliance for Gloucestershire

The Dementia Friendly Gloucester Forum was established in April 2016. The members represented include organisations across healthcare, education, emergency services, charities and community groups. We very much welcome new members and volunteers to support our aims and activities. Our common purpose is a commitment to work towards creating a community which enables people living with dementia and their carers to live well. ‘We can all make a difference to people living with dementia'.

Fair Shares Community Time Banks

Fair Shares brings people together through the sharing of time, skills and acts of kindness. Our time banks recognise that everyone has something to contribute. We connect people to share their experience and knowledge to support each other, building friendships and changing lives.

Their principles are People are the Strength of the Community, Redefining How We Value People , Give and Take, Building Social Links, Living Wage

Forest of Dean District Council

The Forest of Dean District Council works with the community by helping with council tax and benefits, planning and building, business and licensing, housing, environment, communities and leisure, parking travel and visitors advice.

Gloucester City Council

Gloucester City Council are involved in; Planning & Development, Council Tax, Environment, Waste & Recycling, Housing, Jobs & Careers, Culture & Leisure, Licensing & Regulations, Community & Living, Business & Economy, and Benefits and support.

Gloucester City Homes

Gloucester City Homes is an independent housing association providing affordable homes and building successful communities. Their mission and vision is to provide a safe, decent home for everyone and delivering services that meet the tenants needs and expectations; to build homes and communities where people can thrive.

Gloucester City Homes on working with Restorative Gloucestershire -

"GCH value working in partnership with Restorative Gloucestershire. Their work constitutes a constructive approach to assist and alleviate the harm which is caused when residents are affected by Anti-Social Behaviour. The problem-solving approach assists to re-establish relationships creating a greater understanding of behaviours and restore peace/harmony within communities."

Gloucestershire College

Gloucestershire College is an innovative and career-focused provider of further and higher education.

They offer a range of education and training programmes, including; Post-16 courses, Professional and technical training, Apprenticeships, Higher education, Professionally-accredited courses for business, Basic skills courses, Part-time day and evening courses and English for international students.

Gloucestershire County Council

Gloucestershire County Council supports the county with documentation of births, marriages and deaths, libriaies, archives, education and learning, recycling, highways, health and social care, transport, planning and environment, buisness property and economy, council and democracy, the whole community.

Gloucestershire Police

Gloucestershire Constabulary is one of the oldest rural police forces in Britain. The area they cover is around 1,000 square miles and is home to the Cotswolds, the Royal Forest of Dean and the Severn Vale, but also includes the urban centres of Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre: GRASAC

The Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre offers practical and emotional support, in complete confidence, for women and girls who have experienced rape, sexual assault or sexual abuse.

Their objective is to empower women to find their own way of living for a future unconnected to their traumatic past, to relieve the emotional, psychological and/or physical distress of people (especially of women and girls) who have experienced sexual violence; and to educate the public about the nature of sexual violence and its impact.

Guinness Housing

Guinness Housing is here to improve people's lives and create possibilities for them. They do this by providing as many high-quality homes as possible. And the housing and care services that our customers need.

Hollie Gazzard Trust

The Hollie Gazzard Trust was created following the murder of 20-year-old Hollie Gazzard in 2014 by an ex-partner. Set up by parents Nick and Mandy, along with sister Chloe, the charity helps reduce domestic violence through creating and delivering programmes on domestic abuse and promoting healthy relationships to schools and colleges.

Home Group

The Home Group are a housing association, social enterprise and charity with a turnover of over £406m and one of the UK’s largest providers of high quality housing and integrated housing, health and social care.

Kingfisher Treasure Seekers

Kingfisher Treasure Seekers is a place where people become the best versions of themselves. They want to see each vulnerable and disadvantaged person in Gloucester reach their full potential, and become fully engaged in the community. They created the Social Enterprise in 2012 to change this. They now work with over 2000 people, through over 20 activities in Gloucester. Their community includes people with learning disabilitiesmental health challenges and complex needs, and young people. They help people come into the community, and then receive support and training through their supportive environment. They help people grow in, Mental Health, Physical Health, Training Opportunities, and Building Community.

Kingfisher Treasure Seekers on working with Restorative Gloucestershire -

"We have been growing in our partnership with Restorative Gloucestershire over the last couple of years. We have greatly appreciated the training they have provided in their multi agency groups. We believe that we act restoratively as an organisation, but what our partnership provides is the understanding and the theory behind what we do and the tools to do what we do better! We are currently exploring a skill share session to support Restorative Gloucestershire in working with the hard to reach community and exploring how to work restoratively with people with complex needs."

Nelson Trust

The Nelson Trust has a national and international reputation as a centre of excellence in the treatment of addiction.

They believe people with multiple and complex needs need to improve their health, their emotional well-being and overcome substance misuse in order to enhance their life choices. These can be best achieved by people coming together in a safe, non-judgemental space where their strengths are recognised, their past/present trauma is acknowledged and resolved and they have opportunities to access mainstream services and achieve positive change they are proud of.

The Nelson Trust on working with Restorative Gloucestershire -

"We are aiming to improve our working relationship with Restorative Gloucestershire, and increase referrals where they feel appropriate. Where previous referrals have been put into Restorative Gloucestershire, keyworkers here report having a really positive and supportive experience for both them as referrers, and / or supporting clients with the process. Though some referrals have not made it through to a mediation or conference stage, practitioners have provided unbiased and supportive care of women’s multiple and complex needs. We work with women within the community and those navigating the criminal justice system and therefore nourishing this growing working relationship to be able to implement multi-agency support across Gloucestershire across our 9 pathways of support will be beneficial."

NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

The NHS CCG, involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided. It retains responsibility for commissioning primary care services such as GP and dental services, as well as some specialised hospital services.

Services CCGs commission include: most planned hospital care, rehabilitative care, urgent and emergency care (including out-of-hours), most community health services, mental health and learning disability services.

Office of Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC)

The OPPC team exists to enable PCC Chris Nelson to successfully carry out his duties. The OPCC is led by a Chief Executive, whose responsibility is to manage the staff team and provide a monitoring role to ensure that standards remain high.

The PCC is here to make sure that policing is both accessible for and accountable to the residents of Gloucestershire. It also involves wider criminal justice and community safety responsibilities. The PCC works with the police on your behalf, to not only hold the Chief Constable to account but also to work with the police and partners to break the cycle of crime and disorder in Gloucestershire.

The OPCC on Restorative Gloucestershire -

"The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has placed Restorative Justice (RJ) as one of its core principles and values and this is reflected in the Police and Crime Plans of both 2012 and 2016 respectively . With the election of a new PCC in May 2021 this support will continue and the principles of RJ will be reflected in the new plan.

I have seen the growth of Restorative Gloucestershire since 2012 not only in terms of the very effective team but also in the adoption of restorative practice across many of our key partners within Gloucestershire . As Chair of Restorative Gloucestershire I am very proud of the many achievements and successes delivered as well as the national and international recognition received , this is testament to the hard work of many and the ability to push boundaries.

Restorative Gloucestershire is funded through allocation of part of the annual MOJ Victims Grant awarded to the PCC and I believe this is money well invested."

P3: People Potential Possibilities

P3 are a charity and social enterprise, made up of passionate people, who care about people. They run a variety of services all across the UK, that aim to give everyone the chance to be part of the community they live in and feel connected to society.

Their mission is to work alongside people to improve lives and communities, to unlock potential and open up possibilities. Their vision is that every person is recognised as a valued member of society where social injustice no longer exists.

Police and Crime Panel Gloucestershire

The Police and Crime Panel is a joint body of the local authorities served by Gloucestershire Police (i.e. the area of Cheltenham Borough Council, Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Gloucester City Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Stroud District Council, and Tewkesbury Borough Council).

The Panel is to maintain a regular check and balance on the performance of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The functions of the panel are to be exercised with a view to supporting the effective exercise of the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The panel is under a duty to support, as well as challenge, the commissioner.

Project Solace

The Aim of Solace will be to reduce repeat incidents and victims of anti-social behaviour by providing a consistent partnership approach to tackling anti-social behaviour. The Objectives of Solace will be to; reduce repeat victims of ASB, provide an holistic approach to resolving ASB, increase public confidence, and provide sustainable long-term solutions to resolving ASB

Restorative Justice Council

The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) promotes quality restorative practice for everyone.

The RJC is the independent third sector membership body for the field of restorative practice. It provides quality assurance and a national voice advocating the widespread use of all forms of restorative practice, including restorative justice. The RJC’s vision is of a society where high quality restorative practice is available to all.

The RJC's role is to set and champion clear standards for restorative practice. It ensures quality and supports those in the field to build on their capacity and accessibility. At the same time, the RJC raises public awareness and confidence in restorative processes. The ultimate aim of the RJC is to drive take-up and to enable safe, high quality restorative practice to develop and thrive.

Restorative Solutions

Restorative Solutions is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). They are committed to supporting frontline practitioners working in the community and the public sector by creating and managing innovative programmes, delivering training and services to enable the use of restorative practice.

Stroud District Council

Stroud District Council are involved in; Planning & Development, Council Tax, Environment, Waste & Recycling, Housing, Jobs & Careers, Culture & Leisure, Licensing & Regulations, Community & Living, Business & Economy, and Benefits and support.

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Tewkesbury Borough Council are involved in; Planning & Development, Council Tax, Environment, Waste & Recycling, Housing, Jobs & Careers, Culture & Leisure, Licensing & Regulations, Community & Living, Business & Economy, and Benefits and support.

Two Rivers Housing

Two Rivers Housing has a dual purpose – to create great homes and support communities. They are more than just a landlord, wanting to create happy and prosperous communities in a variety of ways.

Two Rivers Housing has more than 4,000 rental properties of various sizes and styles in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire and an ambitious construction programme that sees us building at least 100 new homes every year for the next decade, increasing the choice for people wishing to live in this beautiful part of the country.

University of Gloucestershire

The University of Gloucestershire is a diverse, vibrant community of 12,000 students and 1,500 staff. The university is based across three campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester. Organised over eight academic Schools – Media, Business, Computing & Engineering, Natural & Social Sciences, Health & Social Care, Sport & Exercise, Education & Humanities and Arts.

Quick Facts about the university include; The University is ranked as the UK’s most sustainable University (People and Planet University League 2019). The University carries a Silver rating in the Government’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), which rates participating universities as Gold, Silver or Bronze. And they are ranked 6th globally in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey, 2019.

The University of Gloucestershire on working with Restorative Gloucestershire -

"The University of Gloucestershire is proud to have been working with Restorative Gloucestershire for some time, supporting them in their work across the county and beyond. This includes university staff members on the Steering Group; students volunteering to work with the organisation; and conducting research to help evidence the impacts of the service. The University also provides an 'Advanced Restorative Practitioner Postgraduate Certificate', the first in the country that allows practitioners to achieve advanced practitioner recognition from the Restorative Justice Council UK alongside the academic qualification."

Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales, they provide specialist help to support people to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.

Their services help people affected by all types of crime, providing free confidential support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people affected by crime and traumatic events — regardless of whether they have reported the crime to the police or when it occurred and for as long as it is needed.

West Oxon District Council

West Oxon District Council are involved in; Planning & Development, Council Tax, Environment, Waste & Recycling, Housing, Jobs & Careers, Culture & Leisure, Licensing & Regulations, Community & Living, Business & Economy, and Benefits and support.

Why Me?

Why me? are a national charity delivering and promoting Restorative Justice for everyone affected by crime and conflict.

Many victims of crime feel sidelined by the criminal justice process. Restorative Justice gives them the chance to ask questions about the incident, explain the impact that it had on them, and have a say in how the harm can be repaired. This restorative dialogue transforms lives by helping people affected by crime to recover, and helping people who commit crime to stop.

Youth Support Team

The Youth Support Team speak up for young people in Gloucestershire, advise, and support them. They work with all kinds of young people, no matter what their background; and aim to offer quick, responsive and effective intervention to vulnerable young people. They work with them and their families to identify the best support for them within their own communities.

The Youth support Team are realistic, they give young people an idea of what’s possible, but challenge them too.