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Articles and Research created by the Team

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A critical analysis of whether skills sharing sessions enhance restorative practices within Gloucestershire

"Restorative justice is a growing phenomenon. Clamp (2016) defines restorative practices as giving victims, offenders and communities a role in repairing crime harm. It is argued that restorative justice aims to understand individual harm whilst progressing towards relationship reparation. Focusing academic attention on restorative practice development ensures a knowledge expansion regarding application methods."

The Gloucestershire Youth Forums Evaluation

"The Youth Forums Project is a police and young people engagement initiative that aims to connect officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary with young people from a wide variation of backgrounds for the purpose of improving relations between the two parties. The youth forums project comprised of eight facilitated meetings, which took place at locations across Gloucestershire. Each Forum session involved a selection of young people from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and Police Officers drawn from a range of roles and ranks."


Restorative Practice in the Criminal Justice System: Examining a Restorative Reasoning Programme in a Women’s Prison

"This paper is an analysis of a six-week Restorative Reasoning Programme that took place with 13 women in a UK women’s prison. It is an exploratory evaluation based on an adapted version of the QUALIPREV scheme. This two-stage evaluation examines both the processes of the programme, in terms of how well it ran, as well as the outcomes of the programme, in terms of how effective it was in supporting the women to address problem behaviours."